Iron The

The Iron or Fire Curtain or Safety Curtain is a heavy steel clad fire proof curtain that in an emergency can be dropped in along the front of the stage to seal the stage and back-stage areas from the auditorium and front of house areas in the Theatre. In the video sequence (to be uploaded) […]
PS or Prompt Side is the left hand side of the stage as viewed facing the audience.
Off Stage

Off Stage includes areas that are off the stage, areas outside the performance area, such as the wings and backstage.
Fly Loft
The Fly Loft, Flys or Fly Tower is a space high above the stage which accommodates the flying system.
OP or Opposite Prompt is the right hand side (stage right) of the stage as from the performer’s view facing the audience. Also see Prompt Side and Prompt Corner.
US or Upstage, is that part of the stage furthest away from the audience, the high end of a raked stage
Fly Tower
The Fly Tower is a space high above the stage floor which accommodates the flying system whereby scenery, lamps and other items are flown/hung out of sight of the audience.
Dock Door(s)
The Dock Door or Scene Dock door is a large strong door that allows for large items of scenery, technical equipment, props, animals etc to be brought on stage from outside the theatre. In this example, because street level is higher than the level of the stage ramps are required to enable items to be brought […]
Fly Gallery
The Fly Gallery refers to a platform high up along one side of the stage in the Flys, Fly Tower or Fly Loft from which the fly lines are operated.
Black Leg
Black Leg. A vertical hanging fire retardant or fireproof black drape used for masking off stage areas such as the wings.