A glossary of Stage Terms for students exploring design for Stage and Screen

Iron The

The Iron or Fire Curtain or Safety Curtain is a heavy steel clad fire proof curtain that in an emergency can be dropped in along the front of the stage to seal the stage and back-stage areas from the auditorium and front of house areas in the Theatre. In the video sequence (to be uploaded) […]


The Parterre is that part of the Auditorum which is at ground level.


Sightlines are the lines of vision indicating the limits to what the audience can see of the stage from different positions in the auditorium.


Forestage is the area on the stage nearest the apron, or on a proscenium stage the area in front of the house curtain, in front of the proscenium arch. Stage

Front of House

Front of House is any area of the theatre in front of the stage or in front of the proscenium arch.

Front of House Lighting

Front of House Lighting is the lighting in front of the stage in the auditorium used to light the performance on the stage.

House Lights

House Lights are the decorative or utilitarian lights fitted to the walls and ceiling of the Auditorium. They illuminate the auditorium for the audience before and after the performance and during intervals. They are dimmed or switched off during the performance.

Out Front

Out Front can refer to the audience, or out in front of the front cloth.  


CurtainĀ or House Curtain isĀ  that large drapery which hides the stage from the audience, also referred to as the House Tabs, the Tabs.

House Curtain

House Curtain. That large drapery which hides the stage from the audience, also referred to as the Curtain, the House Tabs, the Tabs.