A glossary of Stage Terms for students exploring design for Stage and Screen


Groundrow is a low run of scenery (shaped cut-out pieces of scenery usually less than a meter in height) to hide (mask) the groundrow lights which are a row of lamps on the floor of the stage to light the bottom of the cyclorama or back cloth.


Legs are vertical lengths of black fabric hung on short bars or battens and used to mask (hide) the sides of the stage (wings) from the audience view.  


Onstage is the stage area inside the acting area it also means towards the centre line.

Out Front

Out Front can refer to the audience, or out in front of the front cloth.  


Rake, this is the incline of the stage floor or the floor of the auditorium up from the horizontal. It is a devise to improve audience sight lines to the stage and on the stage as a scenic staging device for dramatic effect.  

Setting Line

Setting line is a chalk drawn line parallel to the front edge of the stage and upstage of the house curtain it is used in conjunction with the centre line to measure the positions for setting the scenery.

Floor Cloth

Floorcloth, this is a canvas covering that is stretched over the surface of the stage. The cloth is usually painted and decorated to resemble a surface appropriate to the design of the set. The cloth can be removed with ease to reveal another painted cloth or the stage floor


Forestage is the area on the stage nearest the apron, or on a proscenium stage the area in front of the house curtain, in front of the proscenium arch. Stage

Front of House Lighting

Front of House Lighting is the lighting in front of the stage in the auditorium used to light the performance on the stage.


Border. Flown curtain or scenic piece designed to hide the above stage lighting equipment or other machinery