A glossary of Stage Terms for students exploring design for Stage and Screen


Curtain or House Curtain is  that large drapery which hides the stage from the audience, also referred to as the House Tabs, the Tabs.

House Curtain

House Curtain. That large drapery which hides the stage from the audience, also referred to as the Curtain, the House Tabs, the Tabs.

House Tabs

House Tabs. That large drapery which hides the stage from the audience, also referred to as the House Curtain, the Curtain, the Tabs.

Curtain Line

Curtain Line. An imaginary line that runs across the stage where the curtain, house curtain, House Tabs fall and touch the stage floor.


Dock. The Dock is an area at the rear or side of stage where scenery is stored when not in use, it is also where materials such as scenery, props, equipment are loaded to and from the delivery trucks, it is also referred to as the Scene Dock.


The Cyclorama is a smooth uniformly smooth screen, sometimes of stretched cloth, which extends around the back and above the height of the set to give the impression of infinite space. It is also used to project images, shadows and lights onto. It is sometimes referred to as a Sky Cloth.

Fly Floor

The Fly Floor refers to the floor of the Fly Gallery which is a platform high up along one side of the stage in the Flys, Fly Tower or Fly Loft from which the fly lines are operated.

Counter weight flying system

A Counterweight Flying System is system for suspending scenery, lighting bars, etc above a stage that allows them to be flown out (raised) or lowered in with ease.  The items are attached to a bar, which in turn is suspended by steel cables, which run up to pulley blocks on the grid, across to pulley […]

Scene Dock Doors

The Scene Dock door (s) or Dock Door (s) is a large strong door (or pair of doors) that allows for large items of scenery, technical equipment, props, animals etc to be brought on stage from outside the theatre.

Fire Curtain

The Fire Curtain or Safety Curtain is a heavy steel clad fire proof curtain that in an emergency can be dropped in along the front of the stage to seal the stage and back-stage areas from the auditorium and front of house areas in the Theatre. It is some times referred to as the Iron.